Park People: Meredith Busic


Meredith Busic
Volunteer Coordinator 

Munroe Falls, Ohio

First Job
Concessions at a local pool

Achievement you are most proud of, career or other
I created an LLC for the Taiko Ensemble I play and perform with last year. After eleven years of part of the group it was really wonderful to be make it into something tangible and official.

Dream Trip
A multi-national tour of the pre-roman empires of the Middle East particularly the ruins of Hattusa near Bogazkale, Turkey.

Notable pet
My orange tabby Jormungandr (though we call him Jorm), he has a very big personality. 

What is something few know about you?
I am a huge ancient history nerd and have spent a great deal of time researching the Hittite empire and its impact on the development of Middle Eastern civilization.

What brought you to Metroparks?
I needed a summer job in grad school, graduated, then came back because I loved it.

Your favorite park visited?
The Rocky Mountains National Park


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